"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it." -Terry Pratchett

Monday, September 27, 2010

Procrastination Sensation

I've often marvelled at how much time I waste on facebook. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I waste my life on a website that, although brilliant, has me addicted to procrastination. The scenario is always the same; almost immediately after turning on my computer, I log onto facebook. I check up on my notifications to see if anyone posted to my wall or tagged me in a picture. I update my status and write on a wall or two. And that's how it all starts; gradually and then suddenly. After some time has passed, I start working on my homework. I sit there, doing my work until I hit a dead end and can't think anymore. This is what kills me when I'm writing a paper. Once I'm in this dead end mode, I will stay on facebook until I am so stressed out that I have to force myself to do my work. I hate it, truly, because I keep doing it. I know I'm not alone in this problem. I've tried blocking facebook and just not opening a web browser when doing my homework, but sooner or later my lazy butt winds up on facebook. Even as I'm writing this I'm on facebook. I know I should be doing my work, which I sort of am, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still on facebook. The main problem is that it is just too easy to get sucked into the facebook vortex. It's like the black hole; once you're in, you're never getting out. I'm going to try to find my way out of this facebook vortex. I will be sure to let you know if I succeed. In the meanwhile, I think I'll post another link to my wall...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    This might sound odd, but I love your blogger name, and since you haven't been using it since 2010, I was wondering if I could??

    If you could please let me know, that would be awesome.

    Thank you soooo much.
